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If you've always struggled with curly or super frizzy hair then welcome to my world!

I have very fine curly hair that is really difficult to manage. I have tried straightening it with chemical relaxers, however this has proven counter productive as the hair relaxers only make my hair appear even finer and it's been a case of 1 step forward and 2 steps back.

So I've had to come to the conclusion that I have to learn how to look after my naturally curly hair myself.

I've accepted the fact that it isn't going to be easy, but hey what can I do. All the chemical solutions I've tried in the past have been less than ideal.

If you are in the same position I'm in, then here are a few blogs and youtube channels to help you get underway. I like people who write from personal experience because I find that they always have real and reliable information, unlike the rubbish published in magazines which tend to have been sponsored by big brands.

Cheveux Crepus - French blog written by someone who has struggled with fine frizzy curly hair themselves.

http://www.myfroandi.com/ this is by a South African lady who has learned how to care for her natural hair herself.


I was going to mention some youtube channels like UKAfrolista and Loveyourtresses. However I've just checked youtube to get their links and guess what? They are now both lifestyle channels. Shake my damn head. This just means to me that they've sold out. They've broadened the subject matters of their channels to appeal to more advertisers.


Well that's all folks, wishing you all a happy and prosperous new year.


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